
Exoplanet detection in angular and spectral differential imaging by a local learning of background correlations

Detection of exoplanets by direct imaging is a very active research topic in astronomy for the characterization of young and massive objects. The very high contrast between the host star and its companions makes the detection particularly …

An unsupervised patch-based approach for exoplanet detection by direct imaging

The search for exoplanet is a very active topic in astronomy. Exoplanet detection by direct imaging requires both dedicated instruments to mask out the host star and careful image processing methods. Data processing is challenging because the …

Objects detection and characterization in images with weak signal-to-noise ratio: applications in microscopy and astronomy

Exoplanet detection in angular and spectral differential imaging: local learning of background correlations for improved detection

The search for new exoplanets by direct imaging is a very active research topic in astronomy. The detection is particularly challenging because of the very high contrast between the host star and the companions. They thus remain hidden by a …

Exoplanet detection in angular differential imaging by statistical learning of the nonstationary patch covariances – The PACO algorithm

*Context.* The detection of exoplanets by direct imaging is an active research topic in astronomy. Even with the coupling of an extreme adaptive-optics system with a coronagraph, it remains challenging due to the very high contrast between the host …

Détection d’exoplanètes basée sur une modélisation statistique locale des patchs

La détection d’exo-planètes par imagerie directe est un problème difficile car les observations sont dominées par les fuites stellaires. Il est donc nécessaire de combiner des poses prises à différents instants (incluant une rotation des …